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About Hand In Hand

We have a wonderful team of 23 full-time local staff totally dedicated to the service of the Artsakh population. Our clinics see on average 24,000 patients every year for free. 


All of our clinics operate under the same principles:

  • Our services are totally free for our patients.

  • All building costs, equipment costs, supplies and materials, staff salaries, including pension plans and taxes are provided by generous donations from the Diaspora.

  • The local government participates by paying for the utilities. 

Hand In Hand is a non-profit non-governmental organization officially registered in 2004 in the US dedicated to delivering free dental services to the region of Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Our first action in Artsakh dates back to 1998 when we established our first dental clinic in the war-devastated historic town of Shushi.

Since then, we have successfully built, equipped and currently fully maintain four free clinics.

These include four dental clinics in different regional centers of Artsakh, and two mobile units for rural Artsakh.

HIH 16
HIH 15
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